Twitch affiliate revenue checker

Mass check twitch tokens and extract revenue information such as ads revenue, prime revenue, bits revenue, total revenue & payable status.

Preview of '' revenue checker for showing features & GUI


Revenue checker

Mass check tokens & locate revenue information for them (bits, subs, ads) & much more.

Export data

All results are exported into multiple files (.CSV) & individual text files.

Custom config

Create a customizable config (.JSON) file to make tool usage faster & easier.


Check what accounts have already reached the minimum threshold of $50.

Filter results

Easily filter output results & only keep important information with our detailed output.

Low resources

Our software is lightweight & does not require much resources to run (CPU / RAM).

HQ methods

This bot is undetected & will not get your accounts flagged, making mass checking easy.


Our software comes with free regular updates to ensure safety & operation of the tool.

> [email protected]/


# Features


+ Token checker

+ Check revenues

+ Export as .csv

+ Filter accounts

+ Check threshold


Check twitch account revenue with ease

Our account revenue checker is a perfect bot for anyone wanting to mass check their accounts and extract the data, the tool currently exports a wide variety of information such as the total revenue (bits,prime,ads) between specified dates & the account payout status (held/payable).

Bot speed & Advanced filtering

Our revenue checker was made to simplify the checking process for account revenues & payout status when ad-botting twitch, this tool is very fast due to our fast multi-threading & runs on very little resources (Bandwidth, CPU & RAM), Due to the output being '.CSV' this makes extracting specific information very easy.

A preview of the revenue output and GUI for application
A preview of the revenue output and GUI for application

Custom .json configurations

Make mass checking twitch accounts revenue quick and simple by using our config system, customize some core properties such as 'default' files & threads for the bot to use, Once configured properly simply run the tool and the pre-defined properties will be applied.

Regular updates & security

With twitch revenue checker we aim for high standards of security and believe in total privacy, to keep you & your accounts safe we provided regular free updates to ensure our methods are always up to date, along with this we also keep no logs whatsoever for any accounts imported or checked.

plans & pricing

Checkout with fast and secure payment methods & get instant access.
  •   Custom configs
  •   Revenue checker
  •   Advanced output
  •   Advanced filtering
Litecoin Bitcoin BNB Tether USDT


6  months

Access to all features included within the bot for '1 month', A free guide is also provided for all customers upon purchase.


1  year

Access to all features included within the bot for '6 months', A free guide is also provided for all customers upon purchase.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Is the tool 'safe' to use ?

This tool is safe to use & undetected by twitch, we have also worked hard to replicate the real process of revenue checking so to twitch the process looks 100% legit, along with this the bot has full support for proxies to ensure no accounts can be linked.

Do we need to provide / pay for proxies ?

This tool allows for multiple options when it comes to proxies, and the usage of them is completely optional, If you are running the tool proxyless then you will not need to pay for any proxies or import them, however if you use any proxies (HTTP/s,Socks4,Socks5) we would suggest you import residential proxies from here.

How do you setup the bot ? revenue checker is a very simple bot to setup with a simple to use GUI, after purchasing you will receive an email with a link to download a 'setup guide' which will show you how to setup the bot, Along with this you will receive 'Download' access & 'Login licence' key information'.

Do we need to provide / pay for accounts ?

You will need to provide your own "" affiliate accounts with revenue on them, as mentioned this tool is ideal for twitch adbotting and mass checking revenues for accounts being botted, Once accounts are imported the bot will do the rest (checking , exporting , filtering) etc.

Do I need to provide anything ?

Depending on the software chosen you might be required to provide your own proxies / accounts etc, usually this information can be located on the product page, if you are unsure please feel free to contact us here.

What is a hardware ID (HWID) ?

A hardware ID is a unique ID generated from the system that we use to bind licence information for authentication purposes, This HWID is only used to "bind" data for users & licence to keep tool protected !

How often can we reset our HWID ?

We have a fully automated HWID reset panel where you can automatically reset your HWID / bound devices for free, there is usually a 3 day cooldown between resets however feel free to contact support if you need it sooner !

Where can I get "crypto currency" ?

If you would like to purchase crypto currency we suggest using a trusted platform such as binance if you are struggling to acquire crypto currency please feel free to contact us here.